In this episode, I share about my current practice of writing three pages first thing each morning.
TWR 114: Conducting a Mid-Year Writing Goals Check-In
In this episode, I offer some structure for how to conduct a mid-year writing goals review.
TWR 113: Making Contingency Plans for Your Writing
In this episode, I offer some examples of how to keep writing plans flexible.
TWR 112: Revisiting the Plan for My Next Writing Project
In this episode, I check in about the steps I took to choose my next big writing project.
TWR 111: Prolific Summer Events
In this episode, I share about the upcoming live events happening in Prolific, my online community for academic writers.
TWR 110: Summer Writing Plans
In this episode, I talk about the writing projects that I’ll be working on this summer.
TWR 109: Getting Efficient with Writing Templates
In this episode, I talk about some ways to use templates to make your writing process more efficient.
TWR 108: Using Gantt Charts for Organizing Writing Projects
In this episode, I share how I’m using a gantt chart to organize some of my research projects.
TWR 107: Writing Every Day vs. Binge Writing
In this episode I talk about some of the pros and cons of writing every day versus binge writing.
TWR 106: Granular To-Do Lists
In this episode, I talk about my number one productivity tool as a writer.
TWR 105: The Pomodoro Technique
In this episode, I talk about some of the benefits of a time management strategy called the pomodoro technique.
TWR 104: Researching in a Team Environment
In this episode, I share about some of my experiences leading a research team.
TWR 103: 5 Creative Ways to Think About Your Writing
In this episode, I share five creative ways to think about your writing that I recently shared with my writing group members.
TWR 102: 10 Journaling Prompts to Know Yourself Better as a Writer
In this episode, I offer 10 of my favorite journaling prompts to know yourself better as a writer.
TWR 101: What Editors Do
In this episode, I share about some of my experiences with developmental editing.
TWR 100: Mentoring Other Writers
In this episode, I celebrate 100 episodes by sharing about some of the ways that I mentor other academic writers.
TWR 99: Confidence and Writing
In this episode, I talk about some of the elements that lead to more confidence in writing.
TWR 98: My Favorite Podcasts for Writers
In this episode, I share some of my favorite podcasts for writers as well as some new podcasts I’m looking forward to trying.
TWR 97: Storing Writing Records
In this episode, I discuss my recent experience of moving offices and looking through old writing files.
TWR 96: Ideas for Writing Inspiration
In this episode, I share a few ideas for inspiration when you’re struggling with motivation to start writing.
TWR 95: The Importance of Writing Breaks
In this episode, I discuss the importance of pulling back from writing to gain perspective.
TWR 94: Radical Self-Trust for Writers
In this episode, I break down how the elements of radical self-trust applies to academic writing.
TWR 93: It Might Not Be You…
In this episode, I talk about a new tool to support research literacy.
TWR 92: Using Model Articles
In this episode, I talk about some strategies for using a model article for inspiration.
TWR 91: Prolific 2019 Event Calendar
In this episode, I share information about the 24 upcoming Prolific events for 2019.
TWR 90: Winter Retreat Debrief
In this episode, I share the results of my 2018 winter retreat.
TWR 89: 2019 Writing Goals
In this episode, I talk about some of the writing and publication projects on my plate for 2019.
TWR 88: 2018 Writing Accomplishments
In this episode, I offer an overview of my 2018 writing accomplishments.
TWR 87: Winter Writing Retreat Plans
In this episode, I share about some of my winter writing retreat plans.
TWR 86: A Collaborative Revision Strategy
In this episode, I share how I’m working with two co-authors to respond to reviewer feedback on our book.