My February To-Do List

by | Feb 3, 2024 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A few years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My January list focused on staying motivated through the looooongest month of the year. Here’s what I was able to get done in the last month:

  • Read the Throne of Glass series. This was one of my winter bucket list items that I chose specifically for January since it always feels like the first month of the year drags on and on. I loved diving into this 8-book fantasy series and it was a wonderful distraction and escape.
  • Launched into some new responsibilities at work. At the end of December, it was announced that I’m taking on some interim leadership responsibilities for another area of my institution. I spent January learning more about this new-to-me area and seeing how I could best support the additional teams that are now reporting to me.
  • Outlined the book I want to write this year. I wanted to use January to choose between a couple of ideas for the nonfiction book I want to draft this year. I was able to pick one and start to get it outlined. I also added in some content that I had already put together on the topic from other projects. (I’m using the Atticus app to stay organized and track my word count goals.)
  • Kicked-off new cohorts for coach training and Slow Hustle. Starting a new year always means that I get to work with new groups in my coach training and Slow Hustle programs. It was super fun to launch both of these new cohorts in the first month of the year.

The last month was packed and that helped it pass more quickly. Now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items! I’m ready to launch into February and see what the second month of the year will bring.

Here are some of the items on my February to-do list:

  • Read a bunch of romance novels. With Valentine’s Day coming up, I decided to tackle the Thunder Point series by Robyn Carr. That means that I have 9 romance novels on my TBR list! (You can always see what I’m reading on Goodreads and follow along with my monthly TBR lists and debriefs on my YouTube channel.)
  • Complete a jigsaw puzzle. This is one of the items on my winter bucket list that I’ve really been looking forward to. I’m not sure if I’ll complete a physical jigsaw puzzle or a digital one, but either way I’ll probably be drinking a nice cup of tea and listening to an audiobook while I do it.
  • Draft a report for work. I’m co-leading a working group this academic year and it’s time to start to draft our report and recommendations. I’ll be taking the lead on getting that organized and I’m hoping to move it forward a significant amount in February.
  • Go for the gold with my workouts. I mentioned in this recent blog post that I tried to achieve a gold badge in all the monthly Peloton challenges for the month of January (and I did it!). I’m going to make the attempt again in February and see how far I can get.

I’m really looking forward to this upcoming month! What are you looking forward to in the month of February?



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