New Job News (and I’m Moving!)

by | Dec 7, 2019 | Announcements, Blog, Career, Change and Transition

If you listen to my You’ve Got This podcast, you might have heard an episode this week about some job news.

That’s right, it’s time for a new professional adventure and this one also involves a move to a new part of the country.

As of January 15, 2020, I’ll be the executive director for program development at Kansas State Global Campus in Manhattan, KS.

There are a lot of things that are really exciting about this job:

  • A focus on creating and growing new online programs
  • A return to my curriculum and course design roots
  • The opportunity to manage a larger team of instructional designers, program managers, and market insight professionals
  • The ability to work more closely with academic leadership and faculty to help them navigate online teaching and learning options

Of course, this news is bittersweet because it means leaving my amazing colleagues at Oregon State Ecampus. But I also leave with many fond memories. 

During my time at OSU, I was able to do the following:

  • start podcasting
  • edit two book collections
  • conduct and publish reports on numerous studies
  • present dozens of times at conferences all over the U.S.
  • work with staff and faculty from all over the university on large-scale grant projects
  • launch a research database
  • create supportive programming for others interested in research on teaching and learning

Ultimately, I learned a TON about instructional design, marketing, student support, and doing research on online teaching and learning.

And I had such a blast doing it.

As I wrap up at OSU and prepare to start at K-State, I’m filled with gratitude. My partner and I listed our house this week (and, yes, we’ll miss our newly renovated kitchen!). As you read this, my partner is currently in Kansas looking for our new home.

We’re both excited for what this new adventure will bring even as we’re a little overwhelmed with all the details of selling a house, buying a house, and preparing to move to a new part of the country.

I’d love to hear:

  • What are you tips for exploring a new city?
  • What strategies can you recommend for a drama-free move?
  • Anyone else starting a new job in 2020?



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