My January To-Do List

by | Jan 1, 2022 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A couple years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My December list focused on wrapping up the year, getting organized at home, and prepping for launching into 2022. Here is what I was able to accomplish in the last month:

  • (Almost) finished the kitchen and bathroom renovations. December was a great month for renovation progress. All of the cabinets got installed and we now have working sinks again in our kitchen and all of our bathrooms. We still need some tile for our kitchen backsplash and our new dishwasher (both were back ordered until early 2022), but this project is about 85% done.
  • Got the house organized. Oh, how wonderful this was to do over the break. I spent a half-day getting our kitchen and pantry organized and also did some re-organizing with my office and gym area. You can check out a video of some of my kitchen and pantry organization fun on my YouTube channel.
  • Drafted my 2022 goals. I enjoyed spending some time over the break reflecting on what I most needed and wanted to do in the coming year. Like last year, I decided to create this in list-form, so stay tuned for when I share my 22 goals for 2022 on my blog and my podcast in the coming weeks.
  • Completed an end-of-year business retreat. I had several business-related tasks that I was hoping to complete over the break to get a jump on 2022 events and services. I was able to get a lot of administrative work done, upload a bunch of events into the Prolific community space, and prep some content for the blog and podcast. Even though I didn’t check off everything on my list, I’m happy with the progress I made.
  • Unpacked our books, for real. Finally! I put together a couple of remaining book cases and then unpacked and got all of our books organized. Removing that pile of boxes from our basement felt so satisfying!

December offered a great opportunity to wind down the year. And now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items. I’m ready to launch into January and kick-off 2022.

Here are some of the items on my January to-do list:

  • Ease back into work. After a lengthy break away from the office, I’d like to ease back into work with intention. My university is starting with remote work in January, so I think that will help me make purposeful decisions about my routines and habits. 
  • Launch a new cohort of my coach training program. The next coach training cohort starts on January 15 and I can’t wait to welcome this new group of coaches into this next stage of their professional development. I’ll also be teaching at least one more course in the beginning of the year with returning trainees as well.
  • Savor my evenings. For the first time in several years, I’ve cleared out my evening schedule so that I’m not committed to anything on weekday evenings in 2022. That feels so luxurious! I’m really looking forward to some extra reading time as well as time to spend with my partner.
  • Make progress on my 2022 goals. I have several goals on my 2022 list that I can launch into in January. I love to get a jump on things and feel like I’ve made early progress, especially when I’m tackling big goals that can take a while. (Stay tuned for my full list of annual goals that I’ll be releasing in the next week or so!)
  • Be attentive to my mental and emotional health. As the pandemic continues, I’m being very careful to engage in regular and consistent self-care. Exercising, meditation and yoga, and avoiding sugar are some of my go-to methods for keeping my anxiety manageable, even in the most stressful times. Given the developments with the omicron variant, I’m bracing for a tough January and remembering to be gentle with myself.

Once again, this next month is looking pretty full! What are you looking forward to in the month of January?



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