My April To-Do List

by | Apr 2, 2022 | Blog, Lists and Planning, Monthly To-Do Lists

A couple years back, I began writing monthly to-do lists to help me keep track of what’s on my plate. I share these lists here, and report back each month on what I was able to accomplish.

My March list focused on fitting in more movement during the day, completing a couple big projects, and enjoying some books and YouTube videos. Here is what I was able to accomplish in the last month:

  • Moved more. I set some small goals to get myself moving more in March, and I’m happy to report that I did! Most days I started off my morning with some yoga poses, on sunny days I took some nice lunchtime walks, and I capped off the month with a 10k walk.
  • Completed two big work projects. For the last several months, a lot of my time at work has been devoted to two large projects. Both wrapped up in March and it felt so great to start to look ahead to other projects that I need to tackle this year. I celebrated the closure of the larger group project with some handwritten thank you notes and small gifts for my colleagues and that was a perfect way to wrap it up.
  • Read 22 books. For the first two months of the year, I was able to read 22 books each month and the streak continued in March! You can check out my March reading debrief video on my YouTube channel if you want to learn more about the books I read in the last month.
  • Caught up on watching YouTube videos. I was able to squeeze in a couple of binge watching sessions and my “Watch Later” list is now about 80 videos. I like to keep the list to under 100 videos, and I think I got through 25–30 videos in the last month or so. This was a great activity to do during my 10k walk at the end of the month since I was on the treadmill for a couple hours.

March was another full month, but it passed so quickly! And now it’s time to plan for a new month of to-do items. I’m ready to launch into April and see what the second quarter of the year holds.

Here are some of the items on my April to-do list:

  • Onboard a new employee at work. I just hired a new director who will report to me and they start in early April. I’ve been planning activities and getting some meetings scheduled, but I want to be really intentional about building in time for this new employee and getting them off to a great start.
  • Visit new library branches. One of my goals for this year was to visit all the library branches in my area to pick my favorite ones. There are a few within walking distance of my work, so now that the weather is nicer I hope to plan some visits in April.
  • Plan my spring and summer projects. Since I’ve cleared my plate a bit at work, I need to look ahead to the projects I’d like to work on in the next couple of quarters. I’ve made a tentative list, but I need to narrow down and prioritize what I need to focus on the most.
  • Get a haircut. I am way overdue for this, so April is the month where I need to schedule a trim. I’ve realized with longer hair that it’s much easier to go a long time in between cuts, so they tend to get pushed off in my schedule. Hopefully the cut in April will get me back on a more regular hair maintenance plan.

Once again, this next month is looking pretty full! What are you looking forward to in the month of April?



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